Fresh Pasta Artisans
We produce fresh pasta from the 1975 searching the best ingredients for making our clients satisfied

Long Pasta
Filled Pasta
Our gastronomic offer
Short Pasta
The most liked
Alcuni dei nostri prodotti più richiesti
Ravioli Ricotta and Spinach
Dal raviolone di pesce al tradizionale tortellino, assaggia i nostri deliziosi piatti di pasta fresca.
Tortellone Shrimp and Pistachio
Scopri il delicatissimo tortellone con i ripieni scelti dai nostri chef esperti in pasta fresca.
Assaggia la nostra pasta fresca e lasciati conquistare dai sapori autentici e tradizionali.
Raviolone with Fish
We are pasta supplier for a lot of italian restaurants: we supply daily our products in the whole region of Marche. The deliveries are made using refrigerated EU certified cargos, following all the laws regarding the food delivery.

Some of the restaurants where you can eat our fresh pasta
Do you have a restaurant?
Do you want to cook our fresh pasta ?
Our clients
The shop
It is possible to buy our fresh pasta from our shop based in Via Carlo Maratta 33B, Ancona (AN). We prepare our product on a daily basis. We also offer cooked sauces and main dishes ready to eat.

Do you want to place an order?
The fresh pasta is amazing!!!
Giovanni Rossi


Contact us
Tortellini Bolognesi
Fresh Pasta Artisans
Via Maratta 33/B, Ancona, 60123
© 2024 Tortellini Bolognesi S.a.s.
P. IVA 00981350424
+39 071 31681
Tuesday - Sunday | 08:00 - 13:00
Saturday | 16:30 - 19:30
Via I Maggio 16, Ancona, 60131
+39 071 2866942
Tuesday - Saturday | 06:00 - 14:00